Sermons (pdf)
Here you will find the weekly sermons from our Sunday Morning Worship Service.

2012-11-18 "Our Ebenezer"

2012-11-11 "How to Do What God Wants Us to Do"

2012-11-04 "Following by Faith"

2012-10-28 "The Lord among His Churches"

2012-10-21 "Turning the Tables"

2012-10-07 "The Last Word"

2012-09-30 "The LORD on Our Side"

2012-09-23 "The Great Ones"

2012-09-16 "To Follow Jesus"

2012-09-02 "From the Inside Out"

2012-08-26 "The Full Armor of God"

2012-08-19 "Walking Wisely"

2012-08-12 "Walk This Way"

2012-08-05 "God's Purpose and Provision for His Church"

2012-07-29 "What God Is Doing through His Church"

2012-07-22 "Salvation: Personal and Corporate"

2012-07-15 "In Christ"

2012-07-08 "What Does God Want from Us?"

2012-06-17 "But the LORD Looks at the Heart"

2012-06-03 "The Trinity: A Relational Reality"

2012-05-27 "What the Holy Spirit Does"

2012-05-13 "A Christian Family"

2012-05-06 "Senior Servants"

2012-04-22 "Marriage: God's Good Gift"

2012-04-08 "The Rest of the Story"

2012-04-01 "The Agony of Gethsemane"

2012-03-25 "What's Wrong with This Picture?"

2012-03-18 "On Teachers, the Tongue, and True Wisdom"

2012-03-11 "Where's the Faith?"

2012-03-04 "The Forbidden Flaw of Favoritism"

2012-02-26 "Doing What the Word Says"

2012-02-05 "More than a Meal"

2012-01-15 "Offended By Jesus"

2012-01-08 "The Gospel"

2012-01-01 "When He Makes All Things New"

2011-12-25 "The True Meaning of Christmas"

2011-12-18 "Mary: Mother of Our Lord, Model for Our Life"

2011-12-11 "Kept Blameless at Christ´s Coming"

2011-12-04 "Comforting Voices"

2011-11-27 "Awake and Watching"

2011-11-20 "Shepherding His Sheep"

2011-11-13 "Entrusted"

2011-10-30 "Seeing God Work, and Remembering It"

2011-10-23 "Until Jesus"

2011-10-09 "The Path to Peace"

2011-10-02 "Knowing Christ"

2011-09-25 "United We Stand"

2011-09-18 "God´s Purpose or Personal Preference?"

2011-09-11 "Our Strong Refuge"

2011-09-04 "Real Forgiveness"

2011-08-28 "Gifted for Service" (Deacon Ordination)

2011-08-21 "A Window on Eternity"

2011-08-07 "God´s New Covenant"

2011-07-31 "How to Do What God Calls Us to Do"

2011-07-10 "The God We Know?"

2011-07-03 "The Best Thing Christians Can Do for Their Country"

2011-06-26 "When It Seems God Has Forgotten Us"

2011-06-19 "The Name"

2011-06-12 "I Will Pour Out My Spirit"

2011-06-05 "Whose Plans?"

2011-05-29 "Preaching Good News in a City Full of Idols"

2011-05-08 "Bringing Them Up to Become Believers"

2011-05-01 "The Lord of New Beginnings"

2011-04-24 "An Easter Sermon"

2011-04-17 "Tragedy or Triumph?"

2011-04-03 "In a Little While"

2011-03-27 "Vital Union"

2011-03-20 "The Master Servant"

2011-03-13 ""When His Ways Don´t Make Sense"

2011-03-06 "But Now I See"

2011-02-27 "Is Anybody Thirsty?"

2011-02-06 "The Bread of Life"

2011-01-30 "Now and Later"

2011-01-16 "Taking Jesus at His Word"

2011-01-09 "Through Birth and Belief"

2011-01-02 "The Light Shines in the Darkness"

2010-12-19 "God with Us"

2010-12-12 "Singing with Mary"

2010-12-05 "More than a Jewish Carpenter"

2010-11-28 "But in the Meantime . . ."

2010-11-21 "A Reason to Give Thanks"

2010-11-14 "Our Grumbling and God´s Grace"

2010-11-07 "Nostalgia or Vision?"

2010-10-24 "Living as the Body of Christ"

2010-10-17 "Look at the Fields!"

2010-10-10 "Living as God´s Family"

2010-09-26 "Spiritual Formation: Building Up and Growing Up"

2010-09-19 "Come, Let Us Worship!"

2010-09-12 "Staying Focused"

2010-09-05 "Like Clay in the Potter´s Hand"

2010-08-29 "Looking to the Future"

2010-08-22 "To Be A Deacon" (Deacon Ordination)

2010-08-08 "When Vision Becomes Mission"

2010-08-01 "A Faithful Minister"

2010-07-25 "When Material Things Become a Spiritual Matter"

2010-07-18 "Portraits of God´s Judgment"

2010-07-04 "What is Caesar´s . . . What is God´s"

2010-06-27 "Taking Up the Mantle"

2010-06-13 "The Crucified Life"

2010-06-06 "Obedience: A Matter of Faith"

2010-05-30 "The Trinity: Saving Us Completely"

2010-05-23 "A Promise Kept"

2010-05-09 "Faithful Families in the Family of Faith"

2010-05-02 "Give Me This Mountain"

2010-04-25 "Singing about Our Shepherd"

2010-04-11 "What Jesus Has Done for Us"

2010-04-04 "Mealtime with Our Risen Lord"

2010-03-28 "If You Had Been There"

2010-03-21 "Workers for God´s Harvest"

2010-03-14 "God´s Guest List"

2010-03-07 "Only Two Options"

2010-02-28 "How to Deal with the Devil"

02-07-2010 "Building on the Right Foundation"

01-24-2010 "When Vocation Becomes Mission"

01-17-2010 "Mission: Impossible?"

01-10-2010 "About Our Father´s Business"

01-03-2010 "Lord of All Nations"

12-20-2009 "Good News!"

12-13-2009 "Salvation´s Song"

12-06-2009 "Preparing the Way"

11-29-2009 "While We Wait"

11-22-2009 "Stewardship: A Matter of Thanksgiving"

11-15-2009 "Stewardship: A Matter of Mission"

11-08-2009 "Realize and Repent"

10-25-2009 "An Open Door"

10-18-2009 "Wake Up!"

10-11-2009 "Morality Matters"

10-04-2009 "Signs of Discipleship"

09-20-2009 "But I Have a Few Things against You"

09-13-2009 "No Need to Fear"

09-06-2009 "Remember and Repent"

08-30-2009 "The Lord among His Churches"

08-23-2009 "Samuel: God´s Listening Servant"

08-09-2009 "Getting Our Priorities Right"

08-02-2009 "God´s Purpose and Provision for His Church"

07-26-2009 "Open Doors and Adversaries"

07-19-2009 "Moses: God´s Reluctant Shepherd"

07-12-2009 "The Rule of the Evaluator"

07-05-2009 "Why Religious Freedom Matters"

06-28-2009 "The Lord Will Provide"

06-07-2009 Baccalaureate Service - "The Search"

05-31-2009 "The Difference the Holy Spirit Makes"

05-24-2009 "The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ"

05-10-2009 "Will Our Children Know the Lord?"

05-03-2009 "What Every Generation Needs"

04-26-2009 "Belonging to the Body"

04-12-2009 "Meeting the Risen Lord"

04-05-2009 "An Entrance to Remember"

O3-29-2009 "At Supper with Jesus: A Portrait of the Christian Life"

03-22-2009 "What God Has Done"

03-15-2009 "When Jesus Cleans House"

03-08-2009 "What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?"

03-01-2009 "Seasons of the Kingdom"

02-15-2009 "Mystical Union"

01-25-2009 "When Jesus Comes Calling"

01-18-2009 "The Power of Witness"

01-11-2009 "Good News!"

01-04-2009 "The Mystery of Togetherness"

12-21-2008 "Christmas Ponderings"

12-14-2008 "Instead . . ."

12-07-2008 "What Kind of People?"

11-30-2008 "Longing for Deliverance"

11-26-2008 Community Thanksgiving - "Rejoicing in God´s Goodness"

11-16-2008 "Experiencing God: Our Obedience, His Accomplishment"

11-09-2008 "Christian Giving"

11-02-2008 "Joining God: Major Adjustments"

10-19-2008 "The Crisis of Belief"

10-5-2008 "God Speaks"

9-28-2008 "God’s Initiative and Invitation"

9-21-2008 "Don’t Miss the Relationship!"

9-14-2008 "God atWork"

9-7-2008 "What Does GodWant?"

8-31-2008 "Knowing God’s Nature, Doing God’sWill"

8-24-2008 "Knowing God"